Nativity – 16 December 2022
Steep Village HallSteep Village Hall Church Rd, Steep, Petersfield GU32 2DN, United Kingdom
You must be a member and logged in to be able to see options to buy tickets! Join here or Login here
Guests (who chose not to register, which is free, or turn up on the door) £8
Max 70 attendees priority to members and pre-booked tickets
We will offer the usual Bar and Ice Cream – ideally you will have the correct cash!. No masks required but feel free to wear.
An improvised comedy based around a school nativity play.
Director(s): Debbie Isitt
Runtime: 105
Production Year: 2009
Cinema Date:
Distributor: eOne
Cast: Alan Carr, Martin Freeman, Ashley Jensen, Ricky Tomlinson, Marc Wootton