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Ticket to Paradise – 10 February 2023

Steep Village HallSteep Village Hall Church Rd, Steep, Petersfield GU32 2DN, United Kingdom

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Guests (who chose not to register, which is free, or turn up on the door) £8
Max 70 attendees priority to members and pre-booked tickets  
We will offer the usual Bar and Ice Cream – ideally you will have the correct cash!. No masks required but feel free to wear.


Academy Award winners George Clooney and Julia Roberts reunite on the big screen as exes who find themselves on a shared mission to stop their lovestruck daughter from making the same mistake they once made.


Director(s): Ol Parker
Runtime: 104
Certification: 12A
Production Year: 2022
Cinema Date: 16/09/2022
Distributor: Universal Pictures
Cast: George Clooney, Julia Roberts