Where The Crawdads Sing – 18 November 2022
Steep Village HallSteep Village Hall Church Rd, Steep, Petersfield GU32 2DN, United Kingdom
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Guests (who chose not to register, which is free, or turn up on the door) £8
Max 70 attendees priority to members and pre-booked tickets
We will offer the usual Bar and Ice Cream – ideally you will have the correct cash!. No masks required but feel free to wear.
From the best-selling novel comes a captivating mystery. Where the Crawdads Sing tells the story of Kya, an abandoned girl who raised herself to adulthood in the dangerous marshlands of North Carolina.
Director(s): Olivia Newman
Runtime: 125
Certification: 15
Production Year: 2022
Cinema Date:
Distributor: Sony Pictures
Cast: Harris Dickinson, Daisy Edgar-Jones, Taylor Smith